More From Free Anel Streety

About The Artwork
About The Artist

Free Anel Streety

Free is a self-taught artist known for her expressive, soulful, wildly colorful, chaotic art, and cut
out art. One of her favorite styles of art is deconstructing a canvas and sewing it back together to
create a wonderful new masterpiece. She began this style to tell the story of her own struggles
with mental health and self-harm, and she did so with an unexpected tool - thread.
People deal with pain in various ways. Free turns her pain into art and shares her story with the
viewers. The pain drives her to create, to motivate others, and to shine a light on the vibrant love
we all possess. Her therapeutic outlet is art. Her journey through life, her visions, feelings, and
perspectives shape the art and serve as a conduit for love and light. Free aspires to self-love,
peace, female empowerment, uplifting, and discovering our own power. Viewers can easily
sense her work's spirit of rising from the ashes like a phoenix from the ashes. As a pop art artist,
she experiments and shows new pivots of how art can be expresse. Free's art aims to raise mental
awareness and send a subtle message to be the light in the darkness.