Secrets Near The Swiss Cheese Plant

Price: Not Available

Size: Not Available Medium: painting Material: Watercolor Frame: Not Framed

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About The Artist

Shelby Cain
Shelby Cain
Fine Art, Modern, Pop Artist
Chicago, IL, United States of America
Shelby Cain

The Flourishing Art Garden

Influenced by her artist mother, Shelby Cain developed a natural curiosity towards the art supplies in her home throughout her childhood and spent time learning how to make art of her own through experimentation. As for the subjects of her paintings, she remains inspired by something she has always had an affinity for-- gardening.

Gardens are a recurring theme in Cain’s life. Through visiting botanical gardens, keeping her own plants, and immersing herself in nature, Cain feels serenity that allows her to consider systemic challenges and unsolved questions with more mental clarity. Cain generates whimsical ideas for her artwork through curious combinations of the traditional beauty of nature combined with less graceful conditions of humanity. Recently, Cain’s style has become more playful and energized with bright colors. Influenced by her two-year stay in Zambia, the bright colors of Zambian fashion are reflected in Cain’s color palette. The plants in Cain’s paintings are displayed as treasures collected from the delicate, yet intimidating, world around us. The hands and human forms around those plants reflect the human relationship with nature and each other. Cain's art garden continues to flourish, and we are looking forward to seeing what blooms next as she continues to share her artwork with us.