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    The Income tab is a tool where artists can track the buying and selling of their artworks. Here you can see how much money you are generating from the sales of your work and the demand for particular pieces.


    The Orders section is where you can see what orders clients have submitted in order to purchase your work. Within this section you can see all orders that you have accumulated, as well as information on particular orders and their statuses.

    1.Order Dashboard

    The order dashboard will give you a display of all of the orders that have been submitted as inquiries of your work. At the top, you can see different columns regarding information on the order.

    Order Dashboard

    This column shows the order number, which is useful for tracking and managing your orders.


    This shows the date that the order was created so you can keep track of how long it’s been since the initial inquiry.

    c.Artwork Name

    Shows what piece the client is trying to purchase.


    Verification is where you signify that you have seen and accepted the order to work on. “Unverified” status means you have not acknowledged the order and “Verified” means that you have acknowledged the order and plan to fulfill it. Verification cannot be undone.


    Fulfillment occurs when the shipping label for the order is created by RevArt. When an order is placed, there is notification to you to confirm the inventory of the piece. RevArt will then create a shipping label while the artist packages the order. You then ship the order with the shipping label provided by RevArt. When RevArt creates the shipping label, we will record the fulfillment status in the SMART Manager system so the client and the artist can see the status.


    Type is what form of your piece is the client purchasing: an original, a print, a commission.


    Price is the amount the client will pay for the piece. The price only includes the piece itself (shipping and tax expenses will be handled by RevArt) .


    Quantity is the total amount of pieces in the order


    The document icon allows you to view the order summary in a new window. This is also where you can change the status of an order to “Verified”. Here, you can also “Decline the Order” if you do not wish to complete it.


    Export to Excel

    Click “Export” then “Export to Excel,” then select the fields you want to export information about, then click “Export”. This function will provide you with an Excel sheet with information on your orders.

    3.Filter Feature

    The filter feature is located at the top of the “Orders” tab and allows you to input specifications to isolate and find orders within a certain criteria.

    Criteria you can filter include: fulfillment status, payment status, date, and art type.

    By clicking “All Orders” you have the option to choose what orders you want to view. For instance if you are looking for orders that still need fulfillment, you can easily find those items by selecting “Unfulfilled”.

    This tool is meant to be an excellent and simple way to organize your sales.

    Filter Feature


    As a RevArt artist, you can get paid and track the payment process using the Smart Art Manager (SAM). Your order payment information will be shown in this section after the order has been fulfilled.

    To start the payment process, you need to verify the payment amount. Once an order has been fulfilled, the payment information will appear on the dashboard. After you verify the amount, we will process the payment within seven business days. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email contact@revart.co

    1.Payment Dashboard

    Order Dashboard

    Shows the payment status of the order. “Paid” means that RevArt has sent a check to the artist and “Unpaid” means that RevArt has not sent a check to the artist yet.


    This ID number is specific to the payment, not the Order ID (which is the same ID discussed in the Order Dashboard section).

    c.#Order ID

    This is the ID that was discussed in the Order Dashboard section.

    d.Total Payment

    This payment number is the total sum of money you, the artist, will receive for the order. (Artwork Price - RevArt Commission = Total Payment)

    e.Update at

    This is the last date that the information for the payment has been updated.

    f.Artwork Price

    This price is the amount the client will pay for the piece. The price only includes the piece itself (shipping and tax expenses will be handled by RevArt). This is not the final amount that the artist will make on the order.

    g.RevArt Commission

    This amount is the sum of money that RevArt will keep for orchestrating the sale. This amount is taken from the artwork price.


    Export to Excel

    Click “Export” then “Export to Excel,” then select the fields you want to export information about, then click “Export”. This function will provide you with an Excel sheet with information on your payments.

    The feature will help with accounting and inventory check.


    Using the dropdown arrow, you can sort the order in which you see the payments.

    Filter Feature

    4.How do I receive payment?

    Currently, RevArt will mail a check to the artist. In the future, we will have the ability to make direct deposits to the artist's bank account or PayPal.

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