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About The Artist

Fine Art;Modern;Others Artist
Dali, Not, China

Li Yu is a visual artist, speculative designer, and interdisciplinary researcher.

As a visual artist, she uses explorative and symbolic painting and drawing to express the intricate connection between modern science and nature, translating thought experiments into imaginative and poetic visual expression.

In design, she researches the burgeoning areas of advanced science technology, and speculative design, she uses design to converge the fascinating intersection between our unlimited imagination and fast pacing science and technology development. She implements emerging technologies into futuristic narratives, reexamining our conventional sense of normality, and brings thought experiments into tangible forms, such as design or interactive art installation.

Li Yu holds two Bachelor's degrees in interior design (China) and Visual Communication (France) and a Master's in Media Design in HEAD-Geneva in Switzerland.

Her works collected in Modern Art and Design in Lausanne(MUDAC), exhibited internationally, including Milan Design Fair, Biennale Internationale du Design de Saint- Étienne, Milan Image Fair, FLUX Laboratory in Zurich and Geneva, Design Society V&A museum in Shenzhen, Shenzhen and HK Biennale, Sci-fi and urban design exhibition(Chinese Academy of Art), Sci-fi, Art and Technology (Tsinghua University Academy of art and design).