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About The Artist

Cecilia Lucia Lucia Andino

Master of Visual Arts, Professor of Visual Arts with orientation in Painting. Bachelor of Visual Arts from the National University of the Litoral.
I draw, paint and create for as long as I can remember. A phrase that marked me and me many: "you don't have to be an expert to be a great artist", a well-known program. Favorite subject since elementary school: plastic (obviously).
Participation in local, regional, provincial, national and international samples from virtuality. Participate and very active in local, regional and provincial culture.
The color, the mixture of materials, the collage and the reuse of many saved or "archived" works are part of my personal imprint.
Art, like society, constantly seeks to reinvent itself; adapting to the context in which it is immersed.
Art can be a great communicator when it comes to expressing, dialoguing, giving an opinion, thinking, acquiring knowledge, concepts, among other aspects.
Art is for everyone.