Over arching

Price: $599.0

Size: 10.0 x 20.0 x 1.5 in Medium: painting Material: Oil Frame: 1.5 deep frameless painting on canvas

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About The Artwork

Year: 2022 Style: abstract Description: This is the only oil painting in the show. I love the way the luscious oil creates a thickness that is rich like icing on a cake. The arches in this painting are linked like members of a family. This is a family of three and the adults in this family are arching over the child to provide protection, love and guidance to the child. Need Help? Contact sales@revart.co

About The Artist

Tamara Murray
Tamara Murray
Modern Artist
Earlysville, VA, United States
Tamara Murray

Tamara Murray is a Virginia-based artist originally hailing from the Midwest. She graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1989. She has lived in Virginia for the past 30 years, and for over 25 of those years, her works have been publicly and privately collected.

As a small child, Tamara was shy and introspective. She relied on her imagination to navigate the world. She was an astute observer of her surroundings. Tamara draws inspiration from what is missing. She looks for the hidden dimension - what is missing behind a door or a face, what is missing from an ordinary perspective. She employs cropping and an unexpected use of color to guide the viewer into a more intimate relationship with the image.