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Year: 2020 Style: Need Help? Contact

About The Artist

Lesli DeVito
Lesli DeVito
Pop Artist
Keswick, VA, United States
Lesli DeVito

Born in Hartford Connecticut and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska, Atlanta, Georgia, and Tampa, Florida - Lesli DeVito has always found her "home" in the Arts. She has a BFA and an MFA in Theatre Performance and is a self-taught acrylic paint.

Painting has become the unifying force in Lesli DeVito's life, bringing together all of the separate pieces of her to grant peace and clarity. She gravitates towards painting animals, as they have a way of bringing joy and reminding us what is important.

DeVito visited Australia in 2019, just months before the Devastating Wildfires destroyed over 18 million hectares and threatened the lives of billions of animals, plants, and insects. The impacts are far-reaching and affect the biodiversity of the entire planet. The collection, the artist exhibits with RevArt, entitled "Red List" (after The International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species) features 10 species whose numbers are dangerously low. Artist's hope is to bring more awareness and compassion to the far-reaching consequences of climate change and species threatened with extinction due to the Australian wildfires.