
Everyone has an art style, be it you, your peers, your teacher, or your favorite artist. However, some utilize their art style better than others, making all the difference. The beauty and essence of art lie in its diversity and individuality, but having a distinctive art style is key to standing out.

There are many components to creating a distinct art style, such as lineart, color dynamics, composition, and lighting. Each of these elements can be molded to create a signature style uniquely yours.

Furthermore, a unique art style is not just a showcase of your skills but is fundamental in distinguishing yourself in the crowded art world. It can significantly enhance your career by attracting an audience, creating engagement and loyalty, and opening up commercial opportunities.


The Importance of Art Style

Art Style Helps You Grow as an Artist

Developing a specific art style can be incredibly rewarding. It serves as a beacon to attract an audience that appreciates and enjoys that particular type of art. For example, an artist known for their intricate lineart might attract viewers who are specifically drawn to details and precision.

Having a distinctive art style leads to stronger engagement and audience loyalty. When people resonate with your style, they are more likely to follow your work, comment, share, and become part of your community. This organic community interest further enhances your presence in the art world through consistent interaction.

Moreover, a unique and recognizable style makes your art memorable. Think of famous artists whose work you can identify with just one glance. Your aim should be to develop an art style so distinct that your audience can instantly recognize your work.


Developing Art Style Leads to Commercial Opportunities

A recognizable and distinctive art style doesn’t just capture attention; it opens up a plethora of commercial opportunities. Art buyers and collectors are more likely to invest in art that is not only appealing but also easily identifiable.

Additionally, having a specialized niche can work to your advantage. Art in a rare or unique niche is often more likely to be purchased due to its exclusivity. When your art stands out, it attracts purchasers who are looking for something different and distinctive.

This distinctiveness is crucial in building a market for your art. Collectors and businesses are usually on the lookout for art that can make a statement, and a well-developed, unique art style does exactly that.


Photo by Steve Johnson


How You Can Find Your Own Art Style

Finding your own art style is a journey of exploration and self-discovery. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:

Explore Different Mediums

To start, experiment with various mediums, both physical (e.g., oil paints, watercolors) and digital (e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator). Each medium offers a different experience and outcome, helping you discover what resonates best with you.


Identifying Differentiators

Take time to recognize what differentiates your art. It could be your use of color, unique brush stroke patterns, or how you interpret light and shadow. Experiment with emphasizing or altering these aspects of your art style.


Focused Practice

Choose a style and focus on it for a set period with a goal in mind, such as creating 10 artworks in that style. At the end of this period, evaluate which aspects you enjoyed and which parts felt natural to you. This exercise helps in honing your style.


Long-term Development

Developing a personal style can take years. Be patient and allow yourself the freedom to evolve, and take everything as inspiration. Your style will mature and become more distinct over time.


How to Market Your Art Style

Once you've developed your art style, the next step is to market it effectively. Here are some ways to do that:

1. Target Audience: Identify the audience that enjoys your specific art niche. Research social media platforms, forums, and online communities where people with similar interests gather.

2. Social Media Utilization: Utilize platforms like Instagram, Reddit, and others to share your work. Create engaging posts that highlight your unique style, and use hashtags and keywords relevant to your art niche.

3. Use of Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords when showcasing your art to emphasize its unique selling points. Examples might include "oil paint landscape," "simplistic lineart," or "high contrast." These keywords help in attracting the right audience and buyers.

Image by GLady from Pixabay


Examples of RevArt Artists with Art Niches

Let's look at some examples of RevArt artists who have successfully developed and marketed their unique art styles:

Michelle Gagliano: Born in upstate New York, Gagliano's appreciation of the natural world played a leading role in her art career. She is known for her sustainable art, which incorporates eco-friendly materials and themes. Her work often reflects environmental consciousness. You can find more about her art here.

Gregg Emery: Gregg’s art is famous for its unique approach to geometric shapes, particularly circles. His distinctive use of this motif and sensorial colors has made his work highly recognizable and memorable, with an unpredictable blend between complexity and simplicity. Learn more about his style here.

Gabe Weis: Gabe has carved a niche in cubism, a style known for rejecting traditional axioms in art. Blending imaginative ideas with a mastery of style, his work has earned him significant acclaim. His contemporary approach to this classic form has attracted a dedicated following.  Explore his art here.



In conclusion, developing a unique art style is crucial for various reasons. It helps attract and engage an audience, create community interest, and open commercial opportunities, all while making your art more memorable.

Remember, developing your art style takes time and patience. Through consistent practice and exploration, you will improve and eventually refine a style that is distinctly yours. Embrace this journey of growth and let your unique art style lead you to greater career opportunities in the art world.