

Step into the enchanting world of Al Winfield, a contemporary artist hailing from the heart of southern Virginia. With his mastery of oil paintings, Al captivates audiences by skillfully portraying people and their surroundings, interweaving their relationships with a profound sense of familiarity. Drawing inspiration from his childhood passion for art, Al pursued his artistic calling at Virginia Commonwealth University's esteemed School of Fine Arts, graduating with a bachelor's degree in communication arts.

Photo of Al Winfield

Photo of Al Winfield


Artistic Career: A Journey of Creative Discovery


Al's artistic career took flight when his innate talent caught the discerning eye of his third-grade art teacher, who encouraged him to showcase his work. Since that formative moment, Al has meticulously refined his skills, crafting a distinctive style that beautifully captures the essence of his subjects. His artistry has been showcased in galleries and museums, earning him recognition as a talented local artist with an ever-growing following.


Inspiration and the Creative Process: Unveiling the Human Experience


At the core of Al Winfield's creative process lies a profound connection to his subjects. Drawing inspiration from family and friends, he delves into the intricacies of their lives, transforming their stories into captivating works of art. Armed with reference photos, Al meticulously composes composite images using digital tools like Photoshop or Procreate, bringing his vision to life. The final stage involves applying layers of oil paint, allowing him to create texture and depth, imbuing his artwork with a tangible sense of emotion.


Early Morning by Al Winfield

Early Morning by Al Winfield


Favorite Piece: The Power of Creative Freedom


Among his many artistic endeavors, Al holds a special place in his heart for a particular commission—a grand 3 x 4 foot oil painting. Entrusted with unparalleled creative freedom, Al embarked on a mesmerizing artistic journey, breathing life into older reference photos. This extraordinary opportunity allowed him to merge nostalgia with his unique artistic perspective, resulting in a masterpiece that echoes the timeless bonds of human connection. Such projects serve as testaments to the transformative power of creative autonomy.


Together by Al Winfield

Together by Al Winfield


Challenges and Approach: Harmonizing Vision and Expectation


Balancing his artistic vision with the expectations of clients and patrons is an art form in itself, and Al Winfield rises to the challenge with grace. Actively seeking feedback, he invites clients to share the aspects of his work that resonate deeply with them. By incorporating these cherished elements into commissioned pieces, Al ensures a harmonious collaboration, creating artwork that both captivates and satisfies.


That Night by Al Winfield

That Night by Al Winfield


Conclusion: Artistry as a Gateway to the Soul

Al Winfield stands as a masterful contemporary artist, his oil paintings serving as portals to the soul. Through his distinctive style and unwavering dedication, he unveils the narratives woven into the fabric of everyday life. Al's artistry emanates a profound sense of emotion, inviting viewers to connect with the human experience on a deeply personal level. As he continues to evolve and embark on new creative ventures, Al Winfield remains an artist whose work resonates with the hearts of those who encounter it