Propose and Exhibit for 2025-2026

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Open call Details

Submit your work to show at Blue Cat Blue Cat runs exhibits from March or April to December each year. Most exhibits are scheduled for two months, but exceptions may be made. Submit a proposal for an individual or group show. Include the following information and materials listed below when submitting your proposal. Deadline: ongoing (currently considering work for exhibits in 2025-2026; gallery closed Jan-Feb each year; possible exhibit dates include: March-April, May-June and Sept-Oct). Materials and information to include: 5-10 images in jpg format for individuals (2-3 images per artist for group proposals) Image list: title, medium, size, date, price - pdf format Resume/CV - pdf format Biography narrative (1-2 paragraphs about you and your art career) - pdf format Artist Statement/Inspiration for your work (no more than one page) - pdf format Where to submit your materials Email your jpgs (images) and PDF documents to: [email protected] In the subject line, type "Blue Cat Artist Proposal" Expect a response within 1-2 weeks of emailing your materials


Event Dates:





